炒股投资APP 外教读睡前故事 | The Lion and the Mouse 狮子和老鼠

前言 VIPKID睡前故事系列的所有故事和诗歌,均由拥有多年教学经验的外教精心录制,特别适合正在学习英语的孩子们,在入睡前一边听着地道标准的美式发音,一边感受有趣有意义的故事,慢慢入睡。 这是一个经典的伊索寓言,故事不仅生动有趣,同时蕴含了深刻的道理。通过这个故事,我们可以学习到:强大和弱小是相对的,我们不能忽视弱小的作用。孩子一定会喜欢这个故事的!↓↓↓ In the heat of the day a lion lay asleep at the edge of a wood. He la...

炒股投资APP 外教读睡前故事 | The Lion and the Mouse 狮子和老鼠




In the heat of the day a lion lay asleep at the edge of a wood. He lay so still that a mouse ran right across his nose without knowing it was a nose, and a lion’s at that.


Bang! The lion clapped his paw to his face and felt something caught. It was furry. Lazily he opened his eyes. He lifted up one side of his huge paw just a little bit to see what was under it and was amused to find a mouse.


"Spare me, Great King!" he heard the little creature squeak in its tiny voice. "I didn’t mean to do it! Let me go, and someday I will repay you."


"That’s very funny," said the lion, and he laughed. "How can a little thing like you help me, the great king of beasts?"


"I don’t know," the mouse replied. "But a little creature can sometimes help a big one."


"Well, you have made me laugh," the lion said, "which is something I seldom do. And anyway, you would hardly make half amouthful. So…" He raised his paw and let the mouse go.


A few days later the lion was caught in a hunter’s net. The woods rang with his angry roaring and the little mouse heard him.


"That is my kind lion!" she cried. "He is in trouble!" As fast as she could, she ran toward the spot from which the roaring came, and there he was. The lion was thrashing around so in the net that the mouse didn’t dare to come near for fear of being crushed.


"O king, be patient!" she cried. "I will gnaw through the ropes and set you free."


So the lion lay still while the mouse worked away with her sharp teeth. And in a short time he was able to creep out of the net.


"You see? I told you I would repay you, "the mouse said happily. "A little creature sometimes really can help a big one."


And the lion had to admit it was true.


Moral: Little friends may prove to be great friends.













